Alila2位置優越,交通便利。僅需數分鐘車程,便可抵達喬治市著名海灘景點峇都丁宜〈Batu Ferringhi〉海岸。穿梭巴士頻密往來於屋苑與新關仔角的葛尼百利宮購物中心之間。附近毗連著名的國際學校,商店和餐廳。
Alila2隣近有至少十家知名教育機構,如威爾士王子島國際學校 (Prince of Wales Island International Primary. School)、Dalat國際學校、Tenby國際學校,以及TAR學院等,完全滿足有學齡兒童的家庭需要。
業權 | 永久業權 |
佔地 | 9.8英畝 |
單位數量 | 270戶 |
A及B座 | A座 33層 / B座 34層 |
單位面積 | 1,905至3,235平方呎 |
間隔 | 3至4房 |
單位高度 | 10英尺 |
景觀 | 海,山及城市景 |
發展商 | Hunza 滙華產業集團 |
入門價 | 港幣400萬元起,連2至3個車位 |
著名發展項目計有 : Infinity高級豪華公寓,以及結合豪華公寓、古蹟文化遺產、購物商場和寫字樓為一體的葛尼百麗宮〈Gurney Paragon Mall〉。匯華集團近年來更 是把 將旗下發展的項目推向海外市場,將業務拓展至更高層次。
Jade Land Properties (HK) Limited 翡翠島物業(香港)有限公司 and the respective vendor give no warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of the information contained herein. Travel times are approximate and are sourced from Google Maps. The selling price is correct at the time of printing. The information contained herein does not form part of an offer or contract. Prices and details are correct at the time of publishing. Our sales representative for overseas property work exclusively in relation to properties outside Hong Kong and, unless stated otherwise, are not licensed under the Estate Agents Ordinance to deal with Hong Kong properties. Property No.: JL0003. Date of Advertisement: 28 June, 2019. SPOB No.: C-057255-A000. Agent: Jade Land Properties (HK) Limited. EAA Licence No.: C-057255. Place of business: Unit 701, 7 Floor, Winway Building, 50 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong. Purchasing uncompleted properties situated outside Hong Kong is complicated and contains risk. You should review all relevant information and documents carefully before making a purchase decision. If in doubt, please seek independent professional advice before making a purchase decision.