全新登場 布吉湖畔豪宅旗艦項目
國際認可發展商 悅榕集團 Banyan Tree
泰國布吉以其「SPA天堂」及「美食之城」的美譽成為全球著名的度假及旅遊勝地,每年吸引來自全球 70 多個城市的直航旅客。2024 年首三個月接待旅客達 940 萬人次,比去年同期增長40%,顯示其旅遊業的蓬勃發展。布吉樓市同樣熱火朝天,每年樓價升幅達 10-15%,今年銷量額更激增 4 倍!
這個充滿魅力的地區全年氣候舒適,從香港直航僅需 4 小時便可抵達,擁有豐富的郊外及水上活動,是放慢腳步、尋回生活美好時光的理想度假勝地。
新加坡上市公司悅榕集團 Banyan Tree 全球旗艦項目,集團全新推出新一期住宅
想了解 度假天堂 旅遊勝地 的布吉新地標?
2)悅榕集團 Banyan Tree 國際認證知名地產發展商介紹及其優勢
3)Skypark Elara Lakelands 項目樓盤詳情及投資程序
日期:12 月 14 日(六)及 12月 15 日(日)
地點:灣仔港灣道 6-8 號瑞安中心 20 樓 2003-4 室
時間:下午 3:00
Jade Land Properties (HK) Limited and the respective vendor give no warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of the information contained herein. The selling price is correct at the time of printing. The information contained herein does not form part of an offer or contract. Prices and details are correct at the time of publishing. Our sales representative for overseas property work exclusively in relation to properties outside Hong Kong and, unless stated otherwise, are not licensed under the Estate Agents Ordinance to deal with Hong Kong properties. Property No.: JL0003. Date of Advertisement: 4 December, 2024. SPOB No.: C-057255-A000. Agent: Jade Land Properties (HK) Limited. EAA Licence No.: C-057255. Place of business: Unit 701, 7 Floor, Winway Building, 50 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong. Developer Licence No.: 10294-304-2021/0373(L) Advertisement and Sale Permit No.: 10294-304-2021/0373(P). Approving Authority: Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang. Purchasing uncompleted properties situated outside Hong Kong is complicated and contains risk. You should review all relevant information and documents carefully before making a purchase decision. If in doubt, please seek independent professional advice before making a purchase decision. The 3 Day 2 Night Viewing Trip is subject to booking of a unit in Muze @PICC, and additional terms and conditions. Jade Land Properties (HK) Limited and the respective vendor reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at our discretion and without details or reasons.