The Standard’s Masterclass - How do we preserve feminity while upholding the dignity of woman

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The Standard Masterclass - How do we preserve feminity while upholding the dignity of woman? (Dr. Theresa Fok)

How do we preserve feminity while upholding the dignity of woman?


In addition to denouncing all sorts of prejudice and discrimination against women and providing sufficient social protection, I believe it begins with educating and raising awareness in adults, both male and female, and the next generation to truly appreciate the full capacity of women. On top of the shared abilities of women with men, women have the innate gift for motherhood and play such a strong cultural role in human life; women are equally deserving of respect.


I condemn all labels – women being weak or strong. In fact, women are simply human. Women are constantly challenged with balancing different roles in life. I look forward to a society where women do not have to choose between professional development and their growth as wives and mothers, where special care, assistance and understanding can be offered to disadvantage and vulnerable people in society.


Though Hong Kong is a progressive city where women have a high standing in society, I too have experienced prejudice as a working woman here.

On one of my interior design jobs, I was working with a contractor who had a strong and high opinion of himself and his work, which is fine with me. But my issue with him was his chauvinistic attitude and how he looked down on my expertise in interior design because of my gender. I handled the situation by persisting in voicing my technical opinion without trying to embarrass him. I was able to convince him that my suggestion was the best solution and I also earned his respect.


When experiencing discrimination, always apply wisdom and have the confidence to stand up for your convictions.


About Dr Theresa Fok

Dr Theresa Fok, founder and Managing Director of the award-winning boutique real estate agency Jade Land Properties (HK) Limited, is a property investment expert with entrepreneurial vision and over two decades of extensive experience in real estate investment and property management across the Asia Pacific region.


The Standard’s Master Class

The Standard’s brand new online video series ‘Master Class’ features the successful female entrepreneur Dr Theresa Fok, who has made notable achievements both in business and in her family. She shares with the audience her recipe for success and finding happiness in the face of adversity.

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