

Muze @PICC如期落成並取得CCC認證

我們非常高興地宣布一個重大時刻 – Muze @PICC(檳城國際商業城)的成功且如期的落成,並且得到CCC(竣工與合規證書)的核發,這是一個重要的成就。這個成就標誌著一個重要的里程碑。 我們非常高興地宣布一個重大時刻 – Muze @PICC(檳城國際商業城)的成功且如期的落成,並且得到CCC(竣工與合規證書)的核發,這是一個重要的成就。這個成就標誌著一個重要的里程碑。


Muze Signature VI – Muze @ PICC推出的六套獨特特式頂層複式單位:尊貴生活的極致奢華

Jade Land Properties is thrilled to announce that we have been recognised for the seventh consecutive year at the Asia Pacific Property Awards 2023-2024 held at the Bangkok Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park Hotel. We are honoured to have received the 5-Star Best Real Estate Agency Marketing, Real Estate Agency Single Office Award Winner, and Real Estate Agency Website awards.



Jade Land Properties is thrilled to announce that we have been recognised for the seventh consecutive year at the Asia Pacific Property Awards 2023-2024 held at the Bangkok Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park Hotel. We are honoured to have received the 5-Star Best Real Estate Agency Marketing, Real Estate Agency Single Office Award Winner, and Real Estate Agency Website awards.